After Skyler’s Surgery

Because of Skyler’s lissencephaly, she is at high risk of asphyxiation.  To minimize the risk and also help with her reflux,  Skyler got her g-tube and fundoplication surgery at five weeks old.

The nurses in this video are placing a binder around her abdomen to protect the incision and g-tube area.  As her parents, it was difficult to see her like this.  But at the same time we are fortunate to have access to the best people to care for her. Skyler’s doctors, nurses and therapists from AR and OK are just wonderful.


In order to be strong for our daughter, its essential for us to focus on the good things. In times of crisis, especially if it involves a loved one, it’s easy to forget how fortunate we really are.  Having faith, family, friends and keeping a list of things to be thankful for are what you need to remain strong. This is probably why God chose us to be Skyler’s parents, and we thank Him everyday for giving her to us.




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