Skyler Needs Your Prayers

The last 12+ hours have been difficult for all of us.


Shortly after 6PM on Saturday, Skyler’s apnea monitor started alarming and her skin was turning blue. Mom started screaming but was still able to give Skyler chest compressions before we rushed to the ER. Once we got to the hospital Skyler was still blue and felt lifeless. Her heart stopped beating for at least 10 minutes and at that point she was considered to be clinically dead. Mom begged the Doctors & Nurses that were huddled around her to do something to bring her back…and miraculously they did.

Within a couple of hours Skyler started to become more alert to our touch & the sound of our voices. But with her heart not beating for so long, that means her entire body went through some pretty severe trauma. The ER in our area could not keep her there, so we chose to have her airlifted to Tulsa around 10PM. Since then she’s been getting antibiotics & plenty of fluids to try and get her body back to normal, along with X-rays and several other tests. Right now she is in critical condition and we won’t know how she will respond until after a few days.


We just ask that anyone who knows us, knows & loves Skyler or has simply stumbled across this blog to please pray for her recovery. We are not ready to say goodbye to our daughter yet, but have also come to realize that there may not be anything else we can do. If her condition deteriorates then we just hope she does not suffer and that we can soak up every moment we have left with Our Little Angel.

One Response to "Skyler Needs Your Prayers"

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  1. Don Pendergraft

    May 13, 2012 at 7:29 am

    Lord have mercy. Prayers ascending!

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