Tag Archives: Angelversary

Happy First Angelversary Skyler Sue

Mother’s day 2012, Skyler Sue gained her angel wings. It’s been one year now since our baby girl became an angel. To celebrate Skyler Sue’s first angelversary, we decided to release 24 butterflies by her grave on Mother’s day. Releasing butterflies was a symbolic event to us. Just like butterflies, Skyler Sue also gained herself a pair wings and became one of God’s angels. Happy Angelversary Sweet Pea, we love you and miss you.

Birthday Letter from Grandma

Birthday Letter from Grandma

Today March 13, 2013,  is Skyler’s 10th month Angelversary. During this time, it’s always nice to look back and remind ourselves of the great things Skyler did for us. One of our greatest reminder is this beautiful letter written by Skyler’s Grandma Sue on her 1st birthday (February 9, 2013). We hope you can also find comfort through Grandma Sue’s words, especially to all other grieving families of angels out there.

